Dream Team at their finest

Highland Games

What a fabulous afternoon with such a fun group, all of them loving the Highland Games experience. With Jamie piping in the back ground the sounds of laughter, cheers and whoops of joy echoed out around the majestic grounds of Cluny Castle. Hudsons Catering did a sterling job of keeping everyone feed and watered. Dream […]

8m World Cup Yachting Regatta

Since November Glad Rags Events have been assisting with this fantastic event. We are responsible for managing all elements of the land based activities during the 8 days regatta. An international field of 8 m Yachts are on their way to the Clyde in Scotland for this prestigious event which last year was held in […]

Amazing Venues

We are privileged to work at so many amazing venues. Not a week goes by that we don’t get a request from a new venue for us to work with them to facilitate activities for their guests. The photo is of the wonderful Manar House. Scatwell House Kirkhill Mansion Manar House


No better feeling than hitting the bullseye. We have bows and arrows in three sizes so the smalls can also enjoy this activity. It works well for small or large groups Hope you are having a bullseye kind of day

Meet the Team – Ben

For this weeks meet the team Monday I would like to introduce you all to Ben. He has been part of the team since the very very beginning. WORK His first “paid” job was picking up broken clays from hard to get places post shoot when he was 8 years old. He was the king […]

Testimonial Tuesday

Errol Park is a spectacular stunning unique venue in Perthshire. The mansion house over looking the River Tay has an expanse of lawns which are perfect for all out door activities.Highland GamesArcheryClay ShootingInflatables It’s wonderful round stable block is so special and unique for receptions. It’s an exclusive use venue perfect for weddings, celebrations and […]

Meet the Team Monday

A new feature for you to enjoy over the next few weeks is Meet the Team Monday’s. Thought I had better start with me, Hello I am Mhairi pronounced Varry, WORK 9 years ago having sent number 3 child off to school with her 2 older brothers I found myself really missing the world of […]

10 ?’s Answered

Here are the 10 most frequently asked questions answered for you – ❓1 – Do I need experience to come to any of your events?🅰️- No Clay Pigeon shooting you need never have held a gun before, for fishing no experience required ❓2 – Do I need to take anything with me?🅰️ No we provide […]