Oh my word how did that happen, yes Glad Rags Events is 10 years old, well actually 10 1/2 years – it’s been a busy year 😂.
Away back at the beginning of 2014, I was really missing the world of events. With all 3 smalls away to school, I did have a little bit more time, but being a carer for my Mum I knew it would be tricky to work for anyone else.
Having had my own events business before, MAP55, I knew exactly what it took to launch and successful run a company.
So along with Julia we decided to take the plunge and JOMM EVENTS was launched in the summer of 2014. A few months in and Julia came to the decision that this path was not for her.
With a series of events already successfully executed for clients and some more already in the planning, I knew that I was where I wanted to be, doing what I enjoyed and back in a world I loved.
Over the next wee while I will share with you the evolution of that first year to where we are now.