Glad Rags & Cartridge Bags – Mid Summer Adventure to Alvie Estate

Who’s up for a mid summer adventure to the heart of Scotland?

Alvie & Dalraddy Estates are family owned, traditional Highland Estates extending from the Monadhliath hills across the River Spey to the Cairngorms National park.  We’re four miles south of Aviemore, near the village of Kincraig in the District of Badenoch, the geographic centre of Scotland.

Their brand new clay pigeon shooting ground has targets to suit all levels of ability and I am so looking forward to sharing it with you all.

Open as always to ladies of all abilities from never held a gun before to the more experienced shot, all you have to bring is you we supply all that you need, all clay shooting under instruction


10.00 am   Ladies arrive to the warmest of welcomes to Alvie House, time to catch up with old friends and meet new ones

10.45  Short walk to their brand new clay shooting ground, I know how much you faff ladies so allocated time for that!

11.15 – 1.15 Clay Shooting all under instruction, ladies are matched with others of similar shooting experience

1.15 / 1.30 Walk back to Alvie House

1.45 – 2.45 pm Bespoke lunch by the amazing  Mountain Café.   Depending on the weather we may have an outside picnic lunch on the lawn or be inside in the beautiful dining room

2.45 pm Tour of Alive House

Everyone very welcome, ladies who have not been to an event before will be given a “buddy” to keep them company and introduce them to other ladies.  Come on your own or come with chums, all you have to bring is you, we supply all you need.

You need never have held a gun before, ladies are matched with others of similar experience and given an instructor and targets to suit them. If you have never shot before do not worry you will be taught the basics and will be hitting simple targets in no time. For the more experienced ladies the targets will of course be more challenging.


  • Gun hire
  • Clays and cartridges
  • Ear protection and safety glasses
  • Insurance
  • Tuition
  • Maximum ratio of 7 guns to 1 instructor / trap.
  • Lunch

Not Included:

  • Any additional activities
  • Accommodation

Payment in full at the time of booking