Dream Team at their finest

Highland Games

What a fabulous afternoon with such a fun group, all of them loving the Highland Games experience. With Jamie piping in the back ground the sounds of laughter, cheers and whoops of joy echoed out around the majestic grounds of Cluny Castle. Hudsons Catering did a sterling job of keeping everyone feed and watered. Dream […]

8m World Cup Yachting Regatta

Since November Glad Rags Events have been assisting with this fantastic event. We are responsible for managing all elements of the land based activities during the 8 days regatta. An international field of 8 m Yachts are on their way to the Clyde in Scotland for this prestigious event which last year was held in […]

Amazing Venues

We are privileged to work at so many amazing venues. Not a week goes by that we don’t get a request from a new venue for us to work with them to facilitate activities for their guests. The photo is of the wonderful Manar House. Scatwell House Kirkhill Mansion Manar House

Rain never stops play

Logie Country House was the venue for Mini Highland Games for a fantastic group of 50 guests for a post wedding fun afternoon. Old and young enjoyed all the activities on offer, the weather was a tad soggy but every single guest had the best of times, laughter cheers and claps could be heard echoing […]

Whoopee loving our new staff clothing

With a very busy time ahead it was time to order up some new staff clothing. Delighted with our new gilets, not quite warm enough to show your our polo shirts but hopefully it wont be too long till they come out of the drawer. Stunning Cluny Castle in the back ground

Corporate Team Building Day

A couple of months ago I was approached by a corporate client Plant Integrity Management to help them with a full out of office day for their whole team. Raemoir House was the perfect venue. Being exclusive use the company were able to continue sensitive conversations during their coffee breaks. Use each and every room […]

Did you know we come to you?

Glad Rags Events come to you to facilitate the activity of your choice, no need to waste time travelling to have fun. We work closely with countless venues to ensure you have the best ever experience Private houses & estates, exclusive use castles and mansions, hotels and everything in between, oh and now private islands! […]

Happy Days in the sunshine

Happy memories in the sunshine at Fasque Castle Highland Games is always a winner Finishing off with a Tug of War

Clay Pigeons

Is a fabulous activity for all ages, no experience is required and we supply all you need. It works well for small groups or larger. Guests are allocated into groups based on their experience and set targets to match. This event can still take place when the weather is less favourable. Keep the groomsmen occupied […]